What Makes an Office Legend?

"Office Legends" develop a reputation in their workplace as the Go-To person, the Wiz, one whose expertise can be relied upon. Respected not only for their top-notch abilities with Microsoft Office, but for their willingness and ability to help others.
Here's what we strive for ...
I strive to improve the system
I always look for better, faster and smarter approaches.
Wherever possible, I simplify, streamline, optimise & automate.
I strive to improve myself
I strive to improve 1% every single day because like compound interest, continual improvements grow exponentially.
I strive to find the best solution
I work fast and back myself. I trust my intuition and take the initiative. I innovate, push boundaries and redefine limits.
I question and challenge the status quo
I always ask: Just because it's always been done this way, is this the best way? I respectfully call out dud advice and bad habits.
I strive to transform my workplace culture
I give generously and receive graciously. I share my expertise willingly and lead by example. A rising tide lifts all boats.
Want to start your journey?